Wednesday, December 10, 2008

PooPoo Problems Cont.

Ok, it seriously is not my week! I got up this morning 15 mins late. I had forgotten to set out my clothes, and anyone who even remotely knows me knows I do not iron ahead of time. So I am ironing my clothes as fast I as possiblely can move and throwing them on as I get them ironed. About the time I get my pants buttoned and am ironing my shirt, suddenly I got a gassy feeling and then- WHAM! I pooped all in my pants! Needless to say it was awful. It was stinky and EVERYWHERE! Luckily I had not quite gotten to putting my shoes on. Now, I had to go clean up and start the entire process over again. Well, we made it to school on time, but by the skin of our teeth. I am really wondering what my principal values more- promptness or tidyness, because I certainly was not both of those! Prompt I was, but the second pair of pants didn't get ironed! Oh well! I was just excited that there was a clean pair in there in the pile on the couch that I could put on! (Go ahead and laugh about my laundry! You know your pile is staring you in the face!) I think my students thought it was some new fashion statement. Seriously, I have heard of older women having these issues. I am only 28 years old (I can claim it for a few more days!) Is this type of bodily function degeneration common AT MY AGE? I know I must have inherited the irritable bowel syndrome. Too bad they don't make disability for that! HAHA!

1 comment:

bethel78 said...

you didn't tell me this poopoo story- that's pretty bad
maybe you need to start wearing one of L's diapers