Monday, December 15, 2008

Birthday Cake Fiascos!

I just thought that all should know to NEVER trust the birthday cake with a three to be four year old! I swear I just ran to the bathroom for less than a minute! Just look what she did to the cake MINUTES, and I do mean mere MINUTES before it was to be served! Luckily, it was just family eating this one! Can you believe the mess! Lovely! Well, Happy Birthday to M anyway! Oh, and Mom, I did not leave her with a knife! Didn't you know she "was a big girl,and dot a tife and helped Momma icin' the take!" I'm not THAT bad of a mom, really, I knew what you were thinking! I also get the mother of the year award for forgetting to order the birthday cakes for their birthday party last Friday night. Seriously, I totally did not have them a cake! Nevertheless, Brookshires, we now know, makes a really great cake and will put your kid's name on it in less than a minute! How fabulous, huh! (Said Sarcastically...) Really, I am the WORST mother of the year!

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