Thursday, March 12, 2009

Risk- in this economy!

In this economy, I am forced to examine some of the risks I have taken in life, albeit very few, but wow! Look at all I have gain over the last few years, even if old Edward Jones says otherwise! Someone once asked me to define risk in an interview. Although Webster’s defines the word using negative connotations, I view the word otherwise. I have always defined risk as an avenue for change, albeit, change can be positive or negative, but no change can occur without an initial investment. Risk can be calculated in all relationships- financial, familial, friendly, and professional. Some risks taken are apt to turn south quickly and end with an undesirable whack to the posterior end. Some risks immediately skyrocket leaving the investor reeling and eager for future investment situations to arise, no matter the risk. Yet, all carry the uncertain risk of leaving the investor straddling the side of the highest glass suspension bridge over a thousand foot drop. The thrill of taking the risk is invigorating and educating, but the consequences could be dire. Do you take the risk? Maybe I’m not an altogether risk-taker so to speak, but I can tell you, I love the view! I would hate to define life without risk. Without taking that trip to the mountains or investing the inheritance in the stock market, I don’t think life would be the same. I think we have to put ourselves out there, exposed, on the middle of the bridge, to really know if we have lived in life. I know we all would make certain changes in our lives, but I am talking about the big things that we aren’t quite ready for, but we jump out and do them anyway. I can say that I would never have invested money in the stock market and then started a Masters degree and had a third baby in this economy if I were not a risk taker. Don’t get me wrong, the amout we invested may not be much to you, but to a policeman’s wife whose profession is teaching, that was the largest chunk of change we were going to see without winning the lottery. (Now I do not calculate the lottery into my avenue of change theory. Think about it, the lottery is a business, and someone besides me is ultimately profiting! So, I do not recommend the lottery for adding your element of risk.) Anyway, if you are ever asked about risk and negative thoughts come to mind, I think you must rethink where risk can take you and not negate the potential positive rewards that risk can bring. So, maybe Webster is right in that risk defined is all encompassing of the negative that can happen, but why sip with the glass half empty, you know what I mean?


Carrie said...

Amen sister.

The Funny Farm said...

I did get a little carried away, I suppose! But, geez, according to the news, nothing else is happing in this great country, just a whole messy economy. I am sosososososo sick of hearing about it! K, there was my daily rant and rave! HAHA! Love you! Kiss that sweet baby girl for me!

shaque said...

Obviously I'm reading this a little late, but the timing couldn't be better. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only "crazy" one - but I guess if we don't put 100% of ourselves into taking a chance, then the missed opp remains just that. Thanks, Joy - heart you!