Thursday, February 11, 2010

Louisiana Snow Day...

It is snowing like crazy over here! Which, of course, is an exceptionality in rural Northern Louisiana. I really loved seeing my students go crazy in the snow! We worked hard today as we listened to Melody's sultry voice singing, "Oh, the weather outside is frightful..." while we did our snow dance this morning at school! My own kids are so crazy happy that there is no school tomorrow! They made me go look out the window to see 100 things when we got home tonight. "Mom, there is SNOW on the" as if the snow was going to just pass over those things and land only on the ground. Maggie even asked me where the grass went when the snow was on it. So funny! So anyway, all that said to say, DO NOT CALL ME IN THE MORNING. I am sleeping in!! We are out for SNOW DAY or is it Valentines, or Chinese New Year, or Mardi Gras, or President's Day...Who cares!!! YEa!!! lol Here are some pics from our "Snow Day" holiday! Funny little rugrats...

1 comment:

Katy said...

LOL, looks like you all had a blast :) That 4 wheel sledding looks crazy fun!... only in the south lol