Monday, January 24, 2011

Flu Blues

Oh, the joys of wiping up poopy bottoms, feeding little ones special food and lots of bottles, and rocking babies to sleep!  How I wish I was talking about little babies and not flu ridden kids! Laura and Ann Cherie both tested positive for the flu today.  Ann Cherie came over whining last night about how bad she felt and how she really needed to stay home from school today, etc.  I laughed and told her to get over those Monday morning blues because she was going to school the next morning!  Then I started to hug her and give her the attention I knew she must need.  OMG, she was BURNING UP!  I said, "Oh my, Ann Cherie, I think you have fever!"  So we checked it.  102.  Lord, mother of the year here!  I was giving her some bubble gum flavored Tylenol when Laura came around the corner and seeing pink said, "my toat hurwhats too!"  Thinking she just wanted some "pink drink", I told her, "You aren't sick, silly.  This is medicine!"  And I leaned over to kiss her instead.  Her cheek was ON FIRE!  She was running fever, too! OMG!  So I dosed them both and called a sub for my class!  I took them both to the doctor this morning to be given the fateful news!  When we got home, Laura was standing in front of the cabinet when she suddenly said, "Momma, I was looking for the pot."  I look down and there is poo on the floor behind her.  Ann Cherie starts to walk through the door and steps right in it and drags it about three feet while I'm hollering, "Stop!!  Stop!!"  She looks down and starts gagging.  Nice.  So I strip them both down and, well, nothing a bath, a roll of paper towels, and a bottle of Clorox Clean-up can't handle!  We've been pooping, drinking "bottles" of juice, eating bread, and rocking ever since.  As for the little babies thing, I was reminded today about how sweet some of that time was, but how I am SOOO glad they have grown out of everything but the rocking stage!

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